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Scott and Erica loved spending time in the Nottoway Park community garden together.  When the COVID 19 Pandemic caused lockdowns and financial hardship and food insecurity for many families, Scott and Erica converted their community plot to all vegetable production with the intent to donate to Food for Others.  It wasn't long before they needed additional growing space for this purpose and were blessed by garden neighbors who graciously shared their space in support of this project. As the garden project grew, Scott and Erica connected with wonderful volunteers from the Young Men's Service League of Vienna and Oakton (YMSL) who made it possible to grow and donate hundreds of pounds of fresh organic produce for Food for Others.

When Scott received a terminal diagnosis in February 2021, his thoughts and prayer requests were not for himself but for others.  He asked Erica to keep the garden project going to help alleviate food insecurity in their community. As a result, another 500 pounds of produce was grown for donation for each of the following two years. 

Scott's Garden for Others now serves as a memorial for Scott and a testament to the love he had for his community. Scott's greatest goal in retirement was "to make people happy."  With the help of our wonderful volunteers, we aim to donate 1000 pounds of fresh organically grown produce to Food for Others in 2024 and hopefully share a little happiness in the garden and around the dinner table. 

Please join us!  No gardening experience is necessary, and all are welcome!

TAPS Magazine (see page 32) just published a beautiful article about Scott's Memorial Playground which also speaks to his Garden for Others and is a wonderful illustration of his generous, playful, and gracious spirit. 

Please see the Sign Up Genius calendar for available volunteer times.


A little about our 2021 Growing Season was covered in the Food for Others Newsletter.  We look forward to celebrating the final harvest with them in November!




Scott's Garden for Others

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